• Question: Are you afraid of the crippling realisation of the insignificance of our existence within this universe?

    Asked by anon-231125 to Tom, Steven, Jessica, Haafizah, Clio, Bruno Silvester on 8 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Bruno Silvester Lopes

      Bruno Silvester Lopes answered on 8 Nov 2019:

      No. I believe that the work that I do provides evidence based solution to some of the global challenges and that is why I am determined to make a positive impact which will ultimately help in improving the lives of individuals globally. I follow the principle, ‘A pen is mightier than a sword’. So even if it might seem insignificant, I believe if the idea has a greater purpose then that would do more good for mankind!

    • Photo: Tom Snelling

      Tom Snelling answered on 9 Nov 2019:

      The feeling of our own insignificance within such a vast universe is something that has been bothering people for a long time. The probability of being born as a human in a first world country, with access to food and clean water, and being born at a time where technology and healthcare is well developed is a big privilege. The chances of being here right now are so slim, and I try to make as much as a difference I possibly can make by helping the environment and carrying out research into disease. But the most important thing is to find something that you enjoy, because life is precious (something you become increasingly aware of as you age).

    • Photo: Clio Andreae

      Clio Andreae answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      No life is insignificant. Everything from the mighty blue whale to the smallest microbe plays a part in our world and the worlds around us. Why think you are insignificant when you can have an impact on your own life and the lives of people and animals around you?

    • Photo: Steven Rudder

      Steven Rudder answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Amazing question. The only thing that is really significant is what is happening around you right now. Enjoy the moment, your friends and family.

    • Photo: Jessica Mitchell

      Jessica Mitchell answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Great question! But no, I am not afraid. This is partly because my job allows me to find solutions to some of the big globally challenges the world faces. However, we all have a very significant part to play in the lives of those around us, I try to be a good person and not harm anyone or anything else but also to enjoy my life and have fun!
